MN State Fair Winners 2021

image of state fair mascot holding the blue ribbon

Congratulations to all our members who won ribbons at this year’s MN State Fair! We can’t wait to see all your
entries at our State Fair Review in September.

Let’s see who won the Minnesota Knitters’ Guild Rosettes. Each of these winners will get a year membership to the Guild as well as their ribbon.

Class 9068 – Sweepstakes – Susan Rainey

Class 9069 – Best Overall Shawl or Stole – Alison Heussler

Class 9070 – Best Overall Mittens – Shelley Balfe

Class 9071 – Best Overall Hat – Joy Malm

Class 9072 – Best Overall Afghan – Amy Schoen

Class 9073 – Best Overall Sweater, Coat, Sleeveless Sweater, or Vest – Linda Mcshannock

Class 9074 – Best Overall Socks – Shelley Balfe

Class 9075 – Best Overall Gloves – Rebecca Anspach

Now on to the rest of the winners!


Class 290 — Afghan, one piece, 2700-3800 sq. in.

2  Sue Ellen Riese

Class 293 — Lap robe, min. size 1444-2699 sq. in.

1  Stephanie Daily

5  Shira Burton

Class 294 — Shawl or stole, heavy weight yarn, 16 in. or more in width

1. Amy Roos

4  Deepa Nirmal

Class 295 — Shawl or stole, medium weight yarn, 16 in. or more in width

3  Amy Roos

5  Peggy Mann Rinehart

Class 296 — Stole (rectangle), lightweight yarn, 16 in. or more in width

4  Amy Roos

Class 297 — Shawl, fine weight yarn, 25 in. and over in depth from neckline

4  Amy Roos

5  Susan Rainey

Class 298 — Shawlette; fine weight yarn, up to 25 in. in depth from neckline

5  Christine Petterson

Class 299 — Shawlette, medium weight yarn, up to 25 in. in depth from neckline

2  Christine Petterson

4  Delia Lam

Class 300 — Mittens (includes fingerless gloves), plain

3  Deepa Nirmal

Class 301 — Mittens (includes fingerless gloves), texture

5  Shira Burton

Class 302 — Mittens (includes fingerless gloves), color pattern

2  Katherine Lewinski

4  Shira Burton

Class 303 — Scarf, heavyweight yarn, less than 16 in. wide

4  Anna Sorgert

5  Bonnie Esplie

Class 305 — Scarf, lightweight yarn, less than 16 in. wide

1  Susan Rainey

Class 306 — Gloves

1  Rebecca Anspach

2  Amy Roos

4  Bonnie Esplie

Class 307 — Cap or hat, plain

2  Kelly Auer

4  Ann Barrett

5  Bonnie Esplie

Class 308 — Cap or hat, texture

1  Shira Burton

2  Susan Rainey

5  Anna Sorgert

Class 309 — Cap or hat, color pattern or intarsia

2  Rebecca Anspach

3  Susan Rainey

4  Bonnie Esplie

Class 310 — Socks, solid, texture

2  Christine Petterson

3  Bonnie Esplie

4  Kristi Peterson

Class 311 — Socks, open work

2  Ann Barrett

3  Christine Petterson

Class 312 — Socks, color or intarsia

5  Kelly Amoth

Class 313 — Socks, plain or ribbed

2  Kelly Amoth

Class 316 — Child sweater, dress or suit, texture, size 3 – 12

1  Elizabeth Nee

2  Peggy Mann Rinehart

Class 317 — Child sweater, dress or suit, color pattern or intarsia, size 3 – 12

1  Delia Lam

2  Alla Hale

3  Elizabeth Nee

Class 318 — Adult sweater, plain pullover

1  Kristine King

3  Elizabeth Nee

Class 319 — Adult sweater, plain cardigan

1  Kristine King

Class 320 — Adult sweater, texture pullover

1  Linda Mcshannock

3  Peggy Mann Rinehart

Class 321 — Adult sweater, texture cardigan

2  Elizabeth Watkins

Class 322 – Adult Sweater, limited use, texture pullover

1  Alla Hale

3  Susan Rainey

4  Kristine King

Class 323 – Adult Sweater, limited use, texture cardigan

1  Susan Rainey

3  Delia Lam

Class 324 – Adult Sweater, color pattern pullover

3  Lucy Norman

Class 325 – Adult Sweater, color pattern cardigan

1  Susan Rainey

2  Alla Hale

3  Kristine King

Class 326 — Adult sweater, limited use, color pattern pullover

1  Alla Hale

3  Kristine King

4  Anna Sorgert

Class 327 — Adult sweater, limited use, color pattern cardigan

1  Deepa Nirmal

Class 328 — Adult sweater, intarsia

3  Kristine King

Class 329 — Adult jacket/coat, outerwear

1  Katie Block

2  Susan Rainey

3  Anna Sorgert

4  Deepa Nirmal

Class 330 — Sleeveless sweater or vest, plain or texture; color pattern or intarsia

2  Susan Rainey

5  Stephanie Emerich

Class 331 — Cowls

1  Elizabeth Nee

2  Stephanie Daily

5  Stephanie Emerich

Class 333 — Knit bag, felted

4  Christine Petterson

5  Ann Barrett

Class 335 — Knit item, wearable, felted

3  Ann Barrett

Class 336 — Holiday sock

3  Ann Barrett

Class 337 — Not otherwise specified, wearable

1 Ann Barrett

Class 338 — Not otherwise specified, not wearable

2  Kristine King

Class 340 — Sweepstakes, hand knitted articles

1  Susan Rainey

Class 9060 – The Yarnery Award for best child size garment

1 Delia Lam

Class 9064 – A Sheepy Yarn Shop Award for best adult jacket/coat, outwear

1 Katie Block

Class 9066 – Ingebretsen’s Scandinavian Gifts Award for best sweater of traditional Norwegian Design

1  Delia Lam

Class 9076 — Penelope Knitters “We live to knit and knit to rip.” Rosette for winner of cap or hat, texture

1  Shira Burton

Class 9078 — StevenBe Award for best original design

1  Alla Hale

Class 9084 — Northfield Yarn Award for best multi-colored sweater

1  Susan Rainey


Class 681 — Doll, character type (fairy, elf, mermaid, imaginary character, etc.) single, 8 in. or over

3  Carrie Ohnstad

Class 682 — Doll, character type (fairy, elf, mermaid, imaginary character, etc.) single, under 8 in.

1 Katherine Lewinski

Class 690 — Puppet, hand, single or pair

1  Karen Lehman


Class 453 — Bonnet or cap, knitted infant

1  Ann Barrett

Class 456 — Dress, hand knit infant

2 Ann Barrett

Class 459 — Afghan, knit, no larger than 42 in. x 42 in.

3 Ann Barrett

Class 464 — Sweater or jacket, knitted infant

1 Susan Rainey


Class 937 — Knitted baby sweater

1 Peggy Mann Rinehart

4 Susan Rainey

Class 940 — Knitted adult vest or sweater

1 Susan Rainey

3 Kristine King

Class 941 — Knitted scarf 

2 Bonnie Esplie

3 Susan Rainey

Class 943 — Knitted, not otherwise specified in above

3 Bonnie Esplie

BEE AND HONEY (These results have not been published online yet, so these are the winners we know)

Class 108 Any craft artwork; stenciling, drawing, etc

3 Katherine Lewinski

Class 109 Wearable

2 Susan Rainey



Recent Posts

Our spinning demonstrations are sponsored by Get Bentz Farm. 

Theresa Bentz of Get Bentz Farm, Northfield, MNAfter growing up in the city and suburbs, the owners of Get Bentz Farm felt a need to be closer to nature and to be more connected to where their food came from. 

In 2014, they found a farm house for sale and later that year they decided on and purchased their first two Icelandic sheep. 

Once they had a good size flock they began marketing the amazing meat and wool. Initially, they found that many mills in the area do not process dual coated long wools, which slowed down their growth in yarn, but they did find a great market for wool filled bedding products and batting for spinning. 

Today, they have a variety of yarns, batting and roving as well as finished products like dryer balls, sheepskins, and wool bedding. Most recently, they opened their own Get Bentz Wool Mill as well as their own line of yarn – Badgerface Fiber.


Vice President

(Term 1, Year 1)

Jean Gross has had an interest in all things fiber since, at the age of 5, her mother gave her fabric scraps to keep her occupied. She is fluent in knitting, crocheting, tatting, embroidery, sewing, quilting and spinning, thanks to her mother, Janice, and grand mother, Clara. But Jean’s favorite thing to do with fiber is help others to explore its possibilities. She has taught at the Iowa State Fair, Des Moines Library, Freedom for Youth, the Des Moines Knitting Guild, Shepherds Market, local yarn shops and also teaches privately. Jean has served on several non-profit boards including FiberSmiths of Iowa and the Des Moines Knitting Guild. Jean lives in north central Iowa with her husband, Dave, and faithful canine, Rolo. She has published several knitting patterns.


Newsletter Editor

Andi (she/her) learned to knit from her mom over 40 years ago. She remembers going to MKG meetings in college when they were held at St. Kate’s, her alma mater. She knit on-and-off again for a while, and really dove back into the craft in 2015. She is also a quilter. She enjoys traveling and her husband is happy to stop at a yarn store or to look at sheep while on vacation. She and her husband live in the St. Paul area, both enjoy their respective crafts, and also going to the State Fair multiple times a season.

Open Position

Yarnover Committee Chair

The Guild is currently looking for a new Yarnover Chair. If you are interested or have any questions, please contact our president Meg,


Marketing Director

I grew up watching my mom knit. She tried to teach me as a kid and I never enjoyed it, but after finishing college I found myself with extra time and no hobbies. In the last 20 years I have dove in all the way and love to learn new and challenging techniques. As my fiber love has grown, I have also started raising sheep in order to go from sheep to sweater. I love interacting with the sheep who have big personalities and learning to process and spin the wool has been a great adventure.


Technology Director

(Term 1, Year 3)

Melissa has been knitting for 15 years. She loves socks and sweaters. She is a new member who hopes to use her marketing background to lift up the MKG. While she isn't local to MN, she really loves the atmosphere created by the Guild. Melissa and significant other Al enjoy traveling, wherein Al graciously offers to drive so Melissa can knit in the passenger seat. (she, her, hers)


Membership/Programming Director

(Term 2, Year 2)

Nikky was first introduced to knitting in 2012 when her visiting sister-in-law taught her the basics of casting on and the knit stitch. A few weeks later, she learned how to purl from her mother-in-law. From there, it quickly became a passion and she has taken on each new project with a desire to expand her skill and discover new techniques. She loves a good mystery (knit-a-long) and knits way more shawls than a single person can wear in a month.


Service Director

(Term 1, Year 1)

Deb learned to knit in the early 1980s as a happy by-product of Hill Street Blues fandom. For a couple of years, she and a gaggle of other students met weekly to watch the show, and one of those friends was always knitting. As it is with so many knitters, that friend was enthused to teach someone else. Deb has been knitting ever since and particularly enjoys playing with colorwork and knitting sweaters. She is constantly astonished at the skill, enthusiasm, and generosity of MKG members. (she, her, hers) (See our Service Knitting Page for more information about our current projects and donation process.)

Open Position

Programming Director

(3-year term)

This position is currently open. If you are interested in volunteering for the Guild board, please contact our president, Kelly, at the email me link below.



(Term 2, Year 3)

Rose learned to knit from her mother at the age of ten. She started knitting on the ends of small paint brushes. She continued to knit off and on through her teenage and young adult years and became a more avid knitter after taking a Norwegian sweater knitting class through community education. Today, knitting has become a passion and she knits for charity, herself, and her family her stash. She enjoys meeting other knitters and learning new techniques.



(Term 1, Year 2)

Kendra lives in the Twin Cities and learned to hand knit from her mother in middle school. In the last few years, she has also learned crochet and machine knitting. Kendra enjoys knitting items to donate and challenging herself with new techniques. She prefers knitting in the round with colorful yarn. (she, her, hers)



(Term 1, Year 1)

Meg grew up surrounded by makers. Her mom, a master quilter, former Home Ec teacher, and 4-H club leader in Duluth, taught her to sew, embroider, and cook. She won a trip to the State Fair as the Dress Review Princess at 13! Another MKG member taught her to knit continental style 15 years ago. Meg can’t sit still and NOT be knitting, embroidering, rug hooking or sewing. Favorite thing to knit? Mittens! She loves taking classes and learning new things – absolutely amazed and inspired by all the amazing knitters in the guild! (she, her, hers)



Kathy has always been into crafts, but didn’t teach herself to knit until after college. She really got hooked while living in San Francisco when a friend opened a knitting store. To pitch in, Kathy started knitting up fun (and odd) things for window displays, as well as teaching classes. In the last couple of years, she has started designing her own knitting patterns (many of them available for free on Ravelry!) with toys and mittens being her primary obsessions. (she/her/hers)