One of the best perks of being a member of the Minnesota Knitters’ Guild is the ability to check books, magazines, and other media materials out from the Pat O’Connor Library at the Textile Center, 3000 University Ave SE, Minneapolis, MN 55414.
The knitting section of the library is provided by and kept current the Minnesota Knitters’ Guild, but members are welcome to check out any of the materials. If you have a suggestion for a knitting book or magazine to add to the library, please contact the Guild’s librarian, librarian@knitters.org.
Guild members will need to fill out this form: https://textilecentermn.org/librarycheckout/ to check out books. This will not only help the Guild know how many members are utilizing the library, but will also help the Textile Center with their database. If you forget to fill out the form before visiting the Textile Center, they will have copies available.
The library’s collection can be searched online here. To reserve a book contact Librarian Nancy Mambi at nmambi@textilecentermn.org or 612-436-0464. Books can be returned anytime the Textile Center is open.
Currently, the Library is open Tuesday – Saturday, 10 am – 4 pm and the librarian Nancy Mambi is in on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 11 am – 3 pm for book checkout and assistance. (Please check the Textile Center website for the most up-to-date days and hours.)